Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Local Not Always Good

Ah, business must be booming for Scolari's, a local supermarket.  Good to see there is little competition in that market segment.

As my friends know, I BBQ all the time, even in 2 feet of snow.  We usually keep 3 propane tanks at the ready for the unforeseen outage (I've done that, on Thanksgiving!!!).  Last week, along with a regular shopping trip we decided to go this market with our 3 tanks as it had an automated Ameri-Gas propane kiosk instead of SaveMart (the great prices of Walmart without, well, dealing with Walmart).  After doing our shopping, we loaded up, swung around to the KIOSK, unloaded the 3 tanks, ran the card and...and...and...Nothing!  Not the first time.

Murphy's Law, everyone decided to check out at the same time I went back in.  25 minutes later, I got to the cashier, purchased 3 exchanges the old way and asked to speak to the manager.  After explaining what had just happened, this hapless wonk told me sorry, they don't take care of those machines and don't have anything to do with them.  WRONG ANSWER!.

As I profess to business people, if you are providing a service or selling a product, whether handled by a third party or not, it IS a direct reflection on your customer service and brand.  I was called by the store manager the other day, spewing the company platitudes and patronizing 'appreciation'. 

Glad to see the local grocer doing so well to afford such a flippant attitude...oh bad!

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