Monday, May 17, 2010

Going Back 3 Floods

When I first moved to Reno, I was told about the conservative nature of the locals.  As in times past, everyone not born here was considered a carpetbagger or city folk.  I was couched to answer, 'About 3 floods', if I was asked how long I'd been here, so as not suffer from the effects of xenophobia.  Having been born in the Bronx and then growing up in a small NJ town (population approx 11,000, same as in 1980), I now the comfort the rural womb.  Unlike that small town, Northern Nevada is a study in the dichotomy of old versus new.  The natives want things to stay rural and small town, part of the charm of living here.  Those that have moved here since the turn of the century see that quality of life, but realize we have to make some subtle changes to attract the people and businesses to migrate to a new economy.

The noise and eye pollution during election season brings to light the thread-bear protectionist campaigners.  Born and raised here, native Nevadan, 3rd generation.  That is not a selling point.  Hasn't been, shouldn't be.  What that should tell the layperson is that the individual may have little or no experience outside the womb.  It also tells me that the current way things work is dysfunctional at best, so being from here and being OK with that is not in my best interest.  

I need fresh, new ideas and tenacity.  Our 2 party political system is broken, probably beyond repair.  What worked a couple centuries ago, no longer functions.  The lunatics are truly running the asylum.  As citizens it is our right and responsibility to cause change, as those same patriots of the 18th Century did.  As a collective, we are duped into relying on the soundbites and ads.  We work ourselves up for the primaries and general elections, cast our votes, than fall back in to a stupor for another 2 years. We complain, yet do nothing about it.  That is what is expected of us as the public mass and we never disappoint!

Well, off to get my waders, there's a storm coming.

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