Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fur vs. Skin

We have been asked over the years why we have never had children.

Well, one visit with the family more than answer that!

Don't get me wrong...I really enjoy getting together with the in-laws...the grandfolks are like being in a painting, the folks are a great source of grevity on a myriad of subjects and my brothers and sister in-law are very down-to-earth, will always be there when you need them folks. Kids, we have surmized, are only as good as the parents. Most of my in-laws have great children, smart, well-behaved, all-around fun to be with. These are the kids that make us miss not having them.

They are the exception.

Most kids that we have come in contact with further solidify the reason we have a very well adjusted, smart, even articulate, golden retriever. These offspring are the reason we must keep RvW on the books (did I just say that...ouch!).

In reading Freakonomics (www.freakonomicsbook.com) we realize that the great reduction in crime in NYC was not the crusading of one former mayor, but the result of choice.

I am not for free-wheeling genocide. I am for correct parenting, taking responsibility for the lives we have created in this world (though we have decided not to bring a child into this very disfunctional world we have created, especially in western society.). Parenting is a responsibility, not a choice. If we chose to breed, we must also chose to lead.

The last generation we created was a disfunctional phylum of irresponsibility, directionless, shiftless post-soccer/baseball/popwarner crybabies. What have you done?!

I recently heard of a mother calling an employer ranting about why her son got such a bad review. Maybe it was the little league that promoted everyone as a winner...isn't that the way the real world works?

Enough. I'll stick with my functional, results-oriented fur-child.

No Excuses..Just results!

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