Thursday, March 11, 2010

Shaken AND Stirred

Well, it's been 2 years since the swarm hit our Northern Nevada community and it still causes pause every time a tractor trailer rolls past. The unsettling increase in catastrophic natural disasters, all emanating from high magnitude earthquakes, puts into perspective what can really happen.

UNR has one of the top seismology labs in the country, yet, as with any earth science, the best we can do is be prepared. We may laugh at the often inaccurate weatherperson, but they're batting average is off the charts compared to seismology. Bottom line, the earth we live on is unpredictable. It is an ecosystem, and as such, disturbances in one system may create effects in others. The butterfly effect, if you will.

As an avid reader, my selections run the gamut (just see my booklist on linkedin). A book I recommend on the subject is called The Survivors Club: the secrets and science that could save your life, by Ben Sherwood. An interesting read with survival tips based on real-life experience.

We, as individuals, must keep ourselves vigilant, keep ourselves prepared. I'm no chicken little, but I am an Eagle Scout. Our motto: Be Prepared.

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