Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Unemployment is tearing at our social fabric

As the national unemployment rate heads towards 13% with Nevada edging towards 15% (the published numbers are woefully understated and misrepresent the true ‘employment’ picture), job seekers face a monumental task in search of the few jobs that are out there. To make matters worse, unemployment is not for everyone. In speaking with a representative from Nevada Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation, many people, who are earnestly looking for work, have been collecting for nearly 2 years with no prospects in sight. These people are nearing the end of their benefits and potentially their rope.

On top of those ‘lucky’ enough to collect benefits, are the uncounted 100 of thousands of individuals that were self-employed and are not eligible for benefits. To add insult to injury, this growing number (based on the increase in failed businesses) goes uncounted in the unemployment figures. Top that off with small business owners that are better classified as the true working poor, operating at or less than break even. Getting the picture?

The logjam in DC has to be busted. Today’s leadership promises of money for jobs and to stimulate small businesses has amounted to more rhetoric. There are companies that are actually receiving money and still outsourcing jobs overseas. This is insanity and would drive anyone to question right and wrong. We keep hearing about being accountable. After reading Too Big To Fail and seeing the lid recently taken off campaign finance, I need to add to the list of oxymorons….Government Accountability.

Our elected officials are now desperate enough to enlist the rank and file for ideas to raise money and/or reduce costs. Here are a few ideas: 1)Get out of Iraq, 2) Get out of Afghanistan, 3) Reduce Homeland Security (Nepolitano did such a stellar job with the Arizona border) and, last but not least, 4) QUIT REWARDING NEGLIGENT BEHAVIOR!.

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