Thursday, January 22, 2009

He Fails, We Fail

I'm as conservative as the next guy. With that said, events since 9/11 have pushed me more towards non-partisan than ever before. Having had the misfortune of being stuck listening to am radio (I drove the truck today due to weather, no satellite radio...darn!!), I was floored by the idiotic diatribes of Rush Limbaugh. Has his abuse of oxycontin turned him into an oxymoron?

He wants the new President to fail. He wants him to fail?

People, if he fails....we ALL fail!

We do not have the luxury of partisan BS anymore. We have entered a desperate hour. Now is the time to pull together and pull ourselves out of this quagmire we have put ourselves in. YES, WE! Noone forced us to buy a bigger house. No one forced us to use our home as a piggy bank. No one forced us to buy a new mega SUV and fill it full of future garage sale items.

We can no longer mortgage our children's future...that mortgage, too, is in foreclosure. For the first time, we will leave the world a worse place for our children. Well done. Now we have to figure out a way to avoid the second, a possibly farther reaching, depression.

Wake up, get away from the idiot box and get involved.

Taking the reigns of this country at this time is like winning a major supply contract with Walmart...any false move can put you out of business. Only this time, the 'business' is our country and way of life.

If he fails, we all fail!

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